Dimensions: 2.4 X 3.7 cm Material(s): ground burned seashells + kaolin + Somdej Toh's holy materials Item Ref: pp47125
This is a HTF, PAS Somdej Wat Rakang (SWR), Phim Yai, Dragon Back, Nua PoonPetch, created and blessed by Somdej Toh, during B.E.2405-2411.
The dragon on the backside of the SWR matches the auspicious
new year 2024 of dragon zodiac. It's the great time to invite the SWR
onto your neck. Dragons in Chinese culture symbolize great power, wealth, good luck and strength.
They represent power and authority, particularly control over typhoons, water, rainfall and floods.
Emperors were assumed to have descended from the dragons.
Dragon sculptures or images appear any places or anywhere, those points are greatly auspicious for good FengShui.
- Nua PoonPetch = a mixture of burned & ground seashells mixed with kaolin clay
Nua PoonPetch has its specific physical characteristics. It's rather hardly to make fake for this kind of content/texture.
Nua PoonPetch has very fine grain and white color like milk.
Generally, Somdej Nua PoonPetch have less or hardly to find holy materials, but this piece have some of them as appearing on the surface.
Enlarged pics of the surface from microscope, you will see Somdej Toh's holy materials:
- red-brown fragments of Kampaengpetch amulets - a translucent holy stone - green earth - grey-stone fragment - yellow earth - a silvery, metalic, magnetic fragment
Dragon-back SWRs were created by Chinese Buddhists and merchants concurrently with those Chinese-character back.
After blessing by Somdej Toh, they were distributed in among Chinese Buddhists at that time. Also some of them were brought to China for relatives when they returned to their homeland China as same as the Chinese-character back items.